
Kiev Conservatory named after Tymoshenko Oleg Semenovich

Concert on the occasion of awarding the Small Hall of Kiev Conservatory named after Tymoshenko Oleg Semenovich

November 4, 2020 in the Small Hall of the Petro Tchaikovsky National Academy of Music of Ukraine hosted a concert dedicated to the 88th anniversary of the birth and 10th anniversary of the death of Ukrainian artist Oleh Semenovych Tymoshenko. He was a choral conductor, teacher, professor, rector of the Petro Tchaikovsky National Academy in 1983 – 2004, as well as People’s Artist of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine.

The concert of the Academic Chamber Choir “Khreschatyk” was organized with the assistance of the original Ukrainian composer – Alexander Yakovchuk.

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