Khreschatyk Academic Chamber Choir in accordance with the Procedure for forming on a competitive basis the staff of artistic and artistic staff of state and municipal cultural institutions, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine № 497 from 01.07.2016 announces a competition to fill the vacant position of artist – vocalist in the party of tenors (first tenor).
Qualification requirements for job applicants:
– complete or incomplete higher music education in the relevant field of study (incomplete – for persons with basic music education and continuing education to obtain a complete higher education);
-professional vocal data, proper level of technique and performing skills, experience of performing solo parts, skills of working in an ensemble;
-experience of work / participation in choirs – not less than one year;
-confident reading of parties from the letter – obligatory!
Applications and attached documents from applicants are accepted from February 17 to March 12, 2021 on working days at the address: Kyiv, 38 Peremohy Avenue, room 33 (personnel department).
Applications and a package of documents must be submitted in person, or sent to the specified address by mail, or by e-mail
The following documents are submitted for participation in the competition:
- Application for participation in the competition, written in handwriting in any form, indicating the postal address and telephone number of the applicant.
- Personnel registration card, filled in the prescribed manner, with a photo pasted.
- A document certifying identity and citizenship (passport of a citizen of Ukraine, passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad), and when sent by mail – a copy.
- A copy or extract from the employment record book (if available).
- Copies of educational documents.
Applicants for participation in the competition, who are (or have been) in an employment relationship with the Khreschatyk Academic Chamber Choir and participate in the competition, submit to the competition commission only an application for participation in the competition.
Applicants for the competition have the right to submit any other additional information regarding their education, creative experience, professional level, etc.
The applicant is responsible for the authenticity of the submitted documents. Persons who do not follow the specified procedure for submitting documents may not be allowed to participate in the competition.
Date and place of the competition: March 15, 2021 at 12:00 at the address: Kyiv, Peremohy Avenue, 38.
Communal concert cultural institution Khreschatyk Academic Chamber Choir, Unified state register code 25777528.
Winners of the competition and applicants for participation in the competition – at the time of the competition, does not provide housing.
Travel and accommodation costs – at the expense of applicants for participation in the competition.
For information on participation in the competition, please call 044 229 6364, 068 127 28 26,
or e-mail: